LATAM Summit Countdown

Hungry for more NEXUS Summits?

With the NEXUS Global Summit coming to a close, we know you must be missing us, we miss you too.

Fortunately, the Latin American Summit is coming up in September 26th-28th in Quito, Ecuador. This will be the first LATAM Summit in Latin America. We hope you will join us at this exciting event to discuss impact investing and Latin American issues including the well being of the Amazon.

Later in the year will be the Middle Eastern and North African Summit (MENA) in Cairo, Egypt December 14th-16th. Come see the pyramids and discuss impact investing, the refugee crisis, and creating a new identity for the Arab world.

  • everyone that has attended the Global Summit gets 50% for going to MENA and an additional 10% for women

Sign ups will be coming up soon, so please continue to check the website for the application.



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