Equal Justice
Our Working Group Is…
An onramp for our members to leverage their influence toward equal justice by becoming a part of the solution with directly impacted communities who are leading their own transformation everyday. Our role in the field is to educate and inspire our members to take their greatest level of actions utilizing all their forms of capital across asset classes to support our frontline partners and movements toward equal justice.
We educate our members about the Criminal Justice System, the different intersectional systems that underpin it, and opportunities for transformational reform. We provide resources and collective opportunities for our members to take actions in their lives, communities, businesses, investments, and philanthropy.
Our Work
We uplift the most effective models for transforming systems toward equal justice by working deeply with partners who live these issues and lead their own transformation. Together we curate local salons, regional workshops, and site visits as well as toolkits and action pledges to help our members leverage their influence for the short and long term goals of our partners including in rapid response movement moments like Ferguson and Standing Rock. Our partners help us frame our educational and site based events as well as identify the actionable areas they would like our members to take publicly and privately together with them to support their work and campaigns. In doing this, we model a more just form of investment by taking our direction from directly impacted communities in a way that isn’t transactional, but rather is deeply relational.
By leveraging our social, political, and economic influence with those who are on the frontlines of fights for equal justice, we add an inside/outside strategy to their work that legacies of injustice have blocked them from access to. In re-aligning these, we work to strengthen not just our partners but the whole field to win transformative victories toward equal justice.

Christina Hollenback
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Christina is a featured speaker and presenter from conferences to classrooms and is the Founding Chair of the NEXUS Network’s Working Group Toward Equal Justice, where she works with their 4,000 global network of young philanthropists, impact investors, and social entrepreneurs to align their full breadth of Capital—social, political, and economic/business and investments— toward Equal Justice.
Christina is from Syracuse thru and thru and is a classicly trained vocalist who has traveled the world as a performer. In 2014, she began directing, most recently with the US Premiere of Apple itune’s first issue based album for the People’s Climate March, The album HOME, featuring NE-YO, Common, Elle Varner, and produced by 6 time Grammy Award winner Malik Yusef. Her debut album drops in 2019.
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Dayo Okewale
Dayo currently works as a chief of staff in the House of Lords (UK government), providing political, diplomatic and strategic insight to Crossbench Peers. Dayo employs in the House his valuable life and professional experiences, and an unique perspective which adds irrefutable value.
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Dayo is also part of the UNESCO Human Rights Global Integration forum alumni and leadership program, having served on the UNESCO board and having published articles on human rights, sports for development and eradicating poverty.
Dayo Okewale Founded Who’s Got Game Sport in 2008, the not for profit organisation specialises in using sport as a tool for social change and development, creating young global leaders and empowering young people with employability and business enterprise skills. Former professional basketball player, Dayo believes sport is an underused medium for teaching and instilling life and social skills, he is passionate about promoting the use of sport as a tool for education and change.
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Key Issues:
The NEXUS Working Group Toward Equal Justice believes the de-carceration of America can and must happen in our lifetime. To do so, we believe we must build broader, more strategic and powerful movements led by people who’ve been formerly incarcerated toward equal justice, while also increasing educational, economic, and wellness opportunities for historically over-criminalized communities and people who have been formerly incarcerated to address legacies of mass incarceration.

- Inclusivity. Any NEXUS member is welcome to participate. In fact, we encourage the collision of members from different industries so that, together, we can not only shape the entertainment industry, but also provoke shifts in storytelling across the board.
- Dialogue. We welcome open and difficult discussions, held in hospitable fashion and in a climate of mutual respect and friendship. Thanks to this thriving environment, there’s no topic that’s too challenging for us to take on — from human trafficking to addiction or the devastation of the planet.
- Education. From traditional distribution platforms to brain science on story and emerging forms of VR or AI, we provide members with access to cutting edge forms of storytelling and technology. See it and discuss it here first — with the experts themselves.
- Impact. By supporting and bringing to the table creatives, executives and investors, we aim to generate tangible impact in the entertainment industry by creating meaningful opportunities for emerging partnership and shaping mainstream conversations around pressing social and human issues.
Our Programming
Salon Series
Educational Frameworks
Rapid Response Action Pledges
Together we curate we create toolkits and action pledges to help our members leverage their influence for the short and long term goals of our partners including in rapid response movement moments. Take our pledge to resist White Supremacy: http://bit.ly/2AUUzgi