Member Spotlight: Jabber Al-Bihani & Nasser Jabber

Nexus members, Jabber Al-Bihami and Nasser Jaber have taken the quote, “Instead of building a bigger wall, build a bigger table”, and turned it into a reality. After the first Muslim ban early in the Trump presidency, the two were just beginning their startup Komeeda. The inspiration behind their company was to create productive change in the way people view immigrants and refugees. Komeeda employees are all refugees, who cater food for large events. The refugees prepare a meal from their home country and share the story of their journey to the U.S., giving a culinary experience rich in culture and connection.

Jabber is a first generation Yemeni citizen and Nasser is a Palestinian American. Both living in a post 9/11 culture, their assimilation to American culture was one unlike any other immigrant experience. Their backgrounds have influenced their drive to create a more accepting global community, especially in current times. Both Jabber and Nasser have accomplished creating a sense of community through culinary experiences, uniting people of very different backgrounds.

With events throughout the year, anyone could choose the region from which the food will be from and be specific to cultural events. From Ramadan events to Latin Bistros and even Chef Showdowns, Nasser and Jabber bring tastes from all over the globe to the melting pot of NYC.

To date, Komeeda has worked with over a dozen of immigrants, sharing their story and their food. Anyone who dines with Komeeda can walk away with a changed perspective, reshaping the narrative of politics. Through their initiative, Jabber and Nasser have created a lasting impact on the New York community as well as the global community as a whole.



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